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    Lawn Overseeding Service

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    Lawn Overseeding Services

    Why We’re The Area’s Leading Lawn Overseeding Company

    Is your lawn looking a little dull or thin? Have you noticed bald spots in areas of your yard? If your answer is yes, overseeding may be a great choice to revitalize your yard. There are many reasons that could be the cause of a thinning yard such as the dry season, pests, diseases, weeds or poor upkeep. Overseeding, also known as reseeding, is a lawn care service that can bring your yard back to life and improve your home’s curb appeal.


    Overseeding is an important way to keep your lawn green and healthy. The process of overseeding entails spreading new grass seed over your already-existing turfgrass. This helps to add new grass in thin areas as well as prevent weed growth. Overseeding can be done in specific areas that are thinning or dry, or can be applied over the entire yard for a fuller, denser grass area.

    The two parts of the overseeding process include prepping the area and application. To prepare the area, lawn care technicians will lightly rake the area to break up the soil so that it provides better seed-to-soil contact. Then, they will apply the new grass seed with a spreader over the intended areas. Now, just sit back and relax as your lawn fills in with new, thicker grass!

    For the best results, Chesterfield Lawns & Landscapes can also aerate your yard prior to seed application. Lawn aeration involves using a tool to create small holes in your lawn to alleviate compacted soil and allow sunlight, water, and nutrients to reach the grass’s root system. Aerating your lawn prior to seed application can improve the growth of the new seeds.



    Most lawns can benefit from overseeding. Because overseeding requires little to no prepwork, it can be done on practically any yard. Lawns that benefit the most from overseeding or reseeding are those that are dry from summer heat or drought or lawns made up of cool season grasses like bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass. Our overseeding service is performed during the early fall.

    There are several varieties of grass seed, but don’t worry! The lawn care professionals at Chesterfield Lawns & Landscapes will analyze your yard’s needs and help you choose the best grass seed for your lawn. They will help you choose grasses that have both aesthetic and purposeful qualities like drought and heat resistance or preferred color in order to make your yard look its best.



    Overseeding is a fast and affordable way to keep your lawn beautiful and healthy. The price varies depending on factors like size, type of seed, and amount of seed used. Overseeding can also save you money in the future because healthier lawns tend to be more resistant to drought and pests.



    Chesterfield Lawns & Landscapes is the area’s leading experts when it comes to overseeding. Their lawn care technicians have years of experience helping turn thinning lawns into thick, lush lawns. Chesterfield Lawns & Landscapes promises fast, friendly, and professional service to all of their customers. Let Chesterfield Lawns & Landscapes overseed your lawn and improve your home’s curb appeal. Call today for a fast, free quote!

    Lawn Seeding Service | Chesterfield Lawns & Landscapes
    Chesterfield Lawns & Landscapes


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